Church Schedule

Sunday, February 16,  2025
Adult Sunday School
In-Person Worship, Childrens Worship, Nursery
In-person Worship, Nursery, Children’s Sunday School, Youth group
6:30 pm
Young Adults 
Serving Sunday, February 16, 2025
9:45 am Bob Westall, Brian McCleese, John Lippincott
11:15 am Bob Westall, Don King

Children from Preschool through 5th grade will be dismissed after worship music to Children’s Classes.

Preschool (3-year-old through Kindergarten)

9:45 am: Tee Huffman, Shannon Fleming
11:15 am: Jessica Goodwin
First through Fifth grade
9:45 am: Neil Bute
11:15 am: Laura Howell
Nursery (infant through 2-year Old
9:45 am: Caroline Carroll, Laura Rittenhouse
11:15 am: Terrie Green
11:15 am Greeters
Butch & Lori Mawyer

This Week’s Schedule

Tuesday, February 11th

6:00pm The Engagement Project

Wednesday, February 12th

10:00am Women’s Prayer Group

12:00pm Seniors Lunch

7:00pm Old Testament Study (via Zoom)

Meeting ID: 892 3849 7557

Passcode: CBC

Thursday, February 13th

6:00pm Dinner

6:30pm Youth

6:30pm Worship Team Practice

6:45pm Children’s Classes

7:00pm Adult Bible Study

Saturday, February 15th

7:00am Men’s Ministry Prayer

8:00am Men’s Ministry Bible Study 

8:00am Women’s Bible Study

The Week Ahead

Tuesday, February 18th

6:00pm The Engagement Project

Wednesday, February 19th

10:00am Women’s Prayer Group

12:00pm Seniors Lunch

7:00pm Old Testament Study (via Zoom)

Meeting ID: 892 3849 7557

Passcode: CBC

Thursday, February 20th

6:00pm Dinner

6:30pm Youth

6:30pm Worship Team Practice

6:45pm Children’s Classes

7:00pm Adult Bible Study

Friday, February 21st

6:00pm-9:00pm Children’s Movie Night

Saturday, February 22nd

7:00am Men’s Ministry Prayer

8:00am Men’s Ministry Bible Study 

8:00am Women’s Bible Study

Like Us on Facebook!
Sunday, February 23, 2025
9:30 am Adult Sunday School

9:45 am In-person Worship, Children’s Worship/Nursery, Facebook/YouTube Livestream

11:15 am In-person Worship, Nursery, Children’s Sunday School, Youth group 
6:30 pm Young Adults       

Looking for other ways to connect and serve?  

Cornerstone Church needs people to serve in the following ministries:

Children’s Ministry volunteers

Greeters for the 9:45 am service

Please contact the church office below!