Here are the opportunities to serve, scheduled events, and the schedule for this week and next.
Cornerstone Office hours this week: Tuesday-Friday, 12:30pm-3:00pm
Watch weather related cancellations of our events on our website, Facebook and by email.
The Seniors will meet for lunch this week, Wednesday, February 12th at Foode, 900 Princess Anne Street. Join them at 12:00pm noon for great food and fellowship!
Join us on Thursday nights for family night! Dinner at 6:00pm, 6:30pm there is youth group and worship team practice, 6:45pm are children’s classes and adults have Bible study at 7:00pm. Truly something for everyone!
The men are continuing their study in Warrior Disciple on Saturday mornings, and this is the week you do not want to miss it will be epic!! Don’t worry if you haven’t been before or it has been a long time – this is the week for you! Also, if you don’t have the book, that is okay. The Bible Study starts at 8:00am sharp and of course you are welcome to join the Prayer Warriors at 7:00am.
Jesus and the Women, new Women’s Bible Study begins Saturday mornings February 15th in the Sanctuary 8:00 – 9:30 am. (same time as the men’s study) Join us for coffee, video teaching by Kristi McLelland, and discussion. Purchase of the study book is optional (available from Lifeway or Amazon). More information about “Jesus and Women” can be found at:
Children’s Movie Night! Friday, February 21st, 6:00pm-9:00pm, children 4 years old (that can sit through a movie) through 5th grade are invited for pizza, popcorn and a movie!
Opportunities to serve in 2025:
Usher Ministry needs men and women for either service on Sunday mornings, contact Neil Bute at
Women’s Ministry Lead, contact Dori Moxley at
Thursday night with the family needs volunteers for children’s classes, contact Laura Howell at
The Worship team needs one more person for the sound board, training is provided, contact Will Nearman at
Youth Ministry Lead, contact Mark Drinkwater at
(Mark will likely be departing for the mission field by June and would like someone to shadow him before that time. This will be a paid position)
Young Adults Lead contact Mark Drinkwater at
Board of Directors members are needed. Please nominate yourself or someone else. The BOD meets monthly. Forms are in the sanctuary, please put nominations in the offering box.
If you are financially knowledgeable, a church treasurer is needed to work with the BOD at times, contact the church office at